Movie Night: Stardust
Its probably been a decade since I watched Stardust for the first time. I remember liking it quite a bit. As I was considering showing it to my niblings, I couldn’t recall enough about it to know if my memory was accurate. It’s quite a good fairy tale; Neil Gaiman is far better than average at breaking the mold of fairy tale tropes and gender roles while keeping a sense of the bygone.…
Night of the Creeps wasn't very creepy
This self aware b-movie was a fun Octobor movie. It didn’t take itself seriously. At one point one of the characters exclaims loudly, “What is this a bad horror movie?” That’s pretty much why this movie works. It does not do much that is novel, although it goes further to explain the mysterious origins of the alien leeches than most movies bother with. While there is plenty of cliche and trope, it does have an atypical set of protagonists, and where many films probably would have given the disabled friend a chance to recover from his zombie illness I was gratified that they weren’t afraid to kill him too.…
Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical
We watched the original propaganda film a couple of weeks back, it was incredible. I can’t actually credit it. One of the guys had a copy of this film and said we really should watch it. It seemed like the kind of thing that we were likely to enjoy, but man I had no idea. The movie adapatation of the musical is really enjoyable. You can tell from moment to moment that everyone in this film had so much fun.…
Movie Night: Deadpool 2
I think I subconciously had low expectations of this one. I enjoyed the first movie quite a bit, and I think Ryan Renoylds enjoyement of the role and the creative process surrounding it oozes from every pore of both films. He clearly has some amazing writers, as well as an excellent supporting cast, to work with. The jokes were excellent, and I’m really glad they worked a joke about Rob Liefeld in there.…