Twenty Gems
My current campaign arc Perfect Flaws is coming to an end soon and I’m having to do some preparation for the next arc Twenty Gems. We’re currently holding off on any discussion around what we’re going to be doing for Twenty Gems because it’s very easy to get distracted by a new game and to lose sight around completing the end of the current game. However I’m still spending a bunch of time trying to figure out some goals that I will want to accomplish for that game.…
I’m getting to start a new game! I don’t know for sure that I’ll be running, but odds are good. This will be a smaller group than I’ve had for a long time and I’m looking forward to it! Right now we’ve got a number of options, but the two stand-outs are Dresden Files and Mouse Guard . It was a great excuse to pick up those books, which I’ve been pining over for a long time.…
Where shall I take them?
One of the great struggles of the last 10 years for me has been note taking. I have spent a good deal of time and money attempting to find the right note taking application for my personal uses. Mostly for planning tabletop rpg games. Tiddlywiki was almost perfect, but lacked the ability to be used from phones or tablets effectively. I’m going to shill for a bit. I have no affiliation with this product, I’m just a happy user.…
Perfect Flaws
A long time ago I was asked to run D&D for some friends. Many years later, I still haven’t finished. I’m not even close. Ok, I lied ever so slightly. The first arc of the Twelve Signs campaign completed late last year, clocking in just under 4 years of runtime. This year I started the second arc, using a never before played system (by anyone in my group) Dungeon World .…
Null Sweat, Chummer
Never deal with a dragon. I’ve been fortunate enough to have someone running Shadowrun 5 for me occasionally over the last few months. The way this group works it probably works out to less than once a month, but it’s been nice to dip my toe back in. Shadowrun is such a fun setting, and for those crunch gamers it’s got lots and lots of toys. This week I was asked if I wouldn’t mind running some Shadowrun on off weeks.…
Mouse Guard Reprint
I really hope this happens . I’ve been waiting for years at this point.
I don't think I've talked about Numenera yet, which is something of an oversight on my part. I've been a big fan of [Monte Cook][0]'s work ever since Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition was release. His work after he departed WotC was some of the more innovative roleplaying material I've had the good fortune to be exposed to. Numenera was kickstarted mid 2012 and today is a robust and full roleplaying system and setting.…
Ha ha! Multiple entendre
I sent some money to the guys at Storium a little while back, and I’ve been trying to get a game going. My first attempt seems to have fallen through, but now I’ve got a new group and a new game. Beyond the Veil is a urban fantasy game set in southern Louisiana (you know the one). It’s an exercise in freedom of storytelling, because the rules are pretty loose, and the players have the freedom to move the story forward as they like (with, perhaps, a little gentle prodding from the storyteller).…
Beginning Perfect Flaws
I began my newest campaign, the second arc of my Twelves Signs setting. The previous arc, Disharmony, was run with D&D 3.5e and for the second arc, Perfect Flaws, we are switching to Dungeon World. I ran my first combat in Dungeon World, and it’s as exciting to run as I hoped it would be. We all have some learning to do, but I can see how this is going to be a ton of fun.…
A token effort
I was lucky enough to get in on a kickstarter to make some heavy duty FATE tokens. I love the feel of these things, and I am really looking foward to the clink of offering my victims players a chance at a little more power.