Intrigue vs Annoyingly Vague GM
I’m a fan of intrigue in my games. It’s been a while since I’ve run any kind of standard adventure romp where there are clear cut villains and goals. Hopefully this is not to my players detriment. What I’d like to spend a little bit if time considering is where the line is when mystery stops being fun and is just an annoying lack of information. I’m currently running the first case of my Dresden Files game, The Day of Bad Dreams .…
The Day of Bad Dreams
FATE! I get to play FATE! I get to run a Dresden Files game! I’m so exciting! FATE character creation is so much fun for me, and Dresden Files has a whole City Creation section. We’re going to set this in New Orleans, which I’ve been itching to set a game in. This will be a replacement for our Sunday game. We were playing Numenera previously, I’m a fan. I’ll be hoping to get back to it before long.…
FATECampaignNumeneraPlanningDresden FilesThe Day of Bad DreamsGaming
its FATE
Why do you play tabletop roleplaying games? It’s a simple question but there are so many good answers to it I won’t even attempt to give a fraction of them lip service here. For me it is an opportunity to try something new out. To put myself into the head of someone who never existed in our reality, and try to figure who that person is and what he might do.…
Boom Boom Bill and the Kaisers Kat Bill and the Royal Marines have a message for the citizens of Hamburg, “Don’t mess with the Royal Marines”. Normally it’s Bill’s job to cause destruction and mayhem, but the Kaisers kat has other ideas. Now the Royal Marines are stuck between a battalion of germans, a ticking bomb, and the most destructive kat in history. Boom Boom Bill in the Jade Tiger Mysteries In a case of mistaken identity Bill finds himself teamed up with a shoot first, ask questions later, yankee who saves Bill’s life before dropping him off a cliff.…