Intrigue vs Annoyingly Vague GM
I’m a fan of intrigue in my games. It’s been a while since I’ve run any kind of standard adventure romp where there are clear cut villains and goals. Hopefully this is not to my players detriment. What I’d like to spend a little bit if time considering is where the line is when mystery stops being fun and is just an annoying lack of information. I’m currently running the first case of my Dresden Files game, The Day of Bad Dreams .…
Writing for different types of games
After a year of running a Dungeon World D&D themed game, I find myself with the exciting opportunity of running two completely different games. I’m running both a Shadowrun (SR) game and a Dresden Files game (DFRGP). These systems are incredibly different, and prepping for them seems to require a completely different set of skills. I love that cyberware addiction is a thing in 5e SR is a formulaic game, contacts call shadowrunners, shadowrunners meet Johnson, shadowrunners go into the mission with need-to-know only, shadowrunners get into trouble because of what they didn’t know, shadowrunners get out alive (barely) and yell at Johnson for not telling them everything, Johnson tries to not pay up.…
ShadowrunDresden FilesIts a kind of street magicThe Day of Bad DreamsGaming
The Day of Bad Dreams
FATE! I get to play FATE! I get to run a Dresden Files game! I’m so exciting! FATE character creation is so much fun for me, and Dresden Files has a whole City Creation section. We’re going to set this in New Orleans, which I’ve been itching to set a game in. This will be a replacement for our Sunday game. We were playing Numenera previously, I’m a fan. I’ll be hoping to get back to it before long.…
FATECampaignNumeneraPlanningDresden FilesThe Day of Bad DreamsGaming
I’m getting to start a new game! I don’t know for sure that I’ll be running, but odds are good. This will be a smaller group than I’ve had for a long time and I’m looking forward to it! Right now we’ve got a number of options, but the two stand-outs are Dresden Files and Mouse Guard . It was a great excuse to pick up those books, which I’ve been pining over for a long time.…