When does an evil GM become truly evil?
As a GM, its basically my job to be evil. Not in the traditional sense, but one of the tasks assigned to me is to throw some peril and hardship at my players. Step on their characters hopes and dreams at least a little. Make their stories fraught with bad guys and challenges. It’s my job to make sure that victory doesn’t come free and that at the end of the game they feel like they accomplished something.…
Losing Players
When you have a group that’s been playing for a long time, it’s hard to lose a player. I’ve mostly been running our Friday nights over the last 6 years and during that time we’ve had a minimum of player loss. After our first major campaign we ended up losing one of our players. There was some real life issues and I think there might have been some lingering hard feelings between two of the players.…
The Day of Bad Dreams
FATE! I get to play FATE! I get to run a Dresden Files game! I’m so exciting! FATE character creation is so much fun for me, and Dresden Files has a whole City Creation section. We’re going to set this in New Orleans, which I’ve been itching to set a game in. This will be a replacement for our Sunday game. We were playing Numenera previously, I’m a fan. I’ll be hoping to get back to it before long.…
FATECampaignNumeneraPlanningDresden FilesThe Day of Bad DreamsGaming
Twenty Gems
My current campaign arc Perfect Flaws is coming to an end soon and I’m having to do some preparation for the next arc Twenty Gems. We’re currently holding off on any discussion around what we’re going to be doing for Twenty Gems because it’s very easy to get distracted by a new game and to lose sight around completing the end of the current game. However I’m still spending a bunch of time trying to figure out some goals that I will want to accomplish for that game.…
I’m getting to start a new game! I don’t know for sure that I’ll be running, but odds are good. This will be a smaller group than I’ve had for a long time and I’m looking forward to it! Right now we’ve got a number of options, but the two stand-outs are Dresden Files and Mouse Guard . It was a great excuse to pick up those books, which I’ve been pining over for a long time.…
Where shall I take them?
One of the great struggles of the last 10 years for me has been note taking. I have spent a good deal of time and money attempting to find the right note taking application for my personal uses. Mostly for planning tabletop rpg games. Tiddlywiki was almost perfect, but lacked the ability to be used from phones or tablets effectively. I’m going to shill for a bit. I have no affiliation with this product, I’m just a happy user.…