d20, what's my problem?
I’ve decided that if I sit down and write down my feelings about d20 I will be able to have a more rational conversation about it in the future. Right now I seem to go incandecent with rage just thinking about d20, and that just cannot be healthy. So here’s my attempt at articulating why I am trying to avoid d20 at all costs. Just to make sure everyone understands where I’m coming from, I’ve more or less been playing and running some form of d20 for the last 14 years: D&D 3e, 3.…
3 years
A couple of years back I started running a 3.5e D&D game. I wasn’t then, and still am not, a big fan of 3rd edition in any form. I’ve been running and playing some form of 3rd edition D&D for the better part of a decade-and-a-half and my problems with the system have only turned into resentments over time. And yet, here we are, 3 years later and I am still running that same game.…