Trying Out Hugo
Ghost has been a reasonably nice blogging platform, but I don’t really need the work of managing or maintaining it, or the cost of hosting. I do a lot of my work in text editors, so I’m going to try Hugo for a bit. I tried this about 2 years ago with a tool called Hexo . I’m not sure if this will go better or worse (they’re very similar tools).…
Third (and fourth and fifth) parties have no place here.
Initially after setting up codemichael.net I had a ghost blog theme that had some nice options, and disqus enabled by default. Disqus seems like a good idea for allowing comments because it’s got all the social login features and I don’t have to host code that is likly to be abused (plus they handle spam etc). Except I don’t like third parties. I don’t like relying on them and I don’t like the access that they get to my site by using their hosted code.…